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Hack4Enerfy Ivano-Frankivsk

Hack4energy hackathon was held in 11 cities of Ukraine from 19 to 21 June, including in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Participants formed teams that have two days to create solutions in the field of energy efficiency. Enerhohakeramy become programmers, marketers, psychologists, entrepreneurs and people of other professions. The result was a long zakatonu predstvleno 4 projects.

  1. Intellectual socket - socket allows you to control remotely, and to define a device that is connected to it
  2. Sunflower - a project aimed to use free solar energy for water heating
  3. Turbine - the authors tried to develop a plant for efficient and more economical water heating
  4. Ecohouse - create cheap housing containers from port

All- jury selected the final 2 projects (Intelligent socket and sunflower) who received cash prizes.

It is important to add that the authors were Intelectual socket is teacher and work in University of Oil and Gas.