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Freelance Club Ivano-Frankivsk

July 16 met Ivano-Frankivsk Freelance Club.

Ivano-Frankivsk Freelance Club - meeting for IT-freelancers, owners of small and medium-sized IT companies and programmers who are interested in freelancing and they would like to learn more about it.

Club conducted to assist in the exchange of practical experience, coverage and finding solutions for standard and special issues to create a community of IT freelancers to develop a platform for finding partners and customers sharing successful experience of Ukrainian professionals.

Speakers of the event were experts practices, successful freelancers to large marketpleysah, representatives of IT companies that work with freelancers and can also talk about cooperation on their part.

At the meeting were presented the following report:

1. "Success in freelancing. That helps to prevent and freelancers" Rostislav Chaika
2. "From freelance to company" Sergey Hmelovskyy
3. "How to create a successful project of decree sitting and working only 4 hours a day," Maxim Zelevskyy

Listen to speakers and to exchange experience came more than 30 people, as evidenced by the popularity of freelancing in our city.