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Seminar in Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics reveals new horizon for students and universities in preparing and commercializing their innovative ideas

Regional seminars for university teachers organized in the framework of Tempus project «National Education Framework for Enhancing IT Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship»  (NEFESIE) took place in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics May 23, 2014.
The seminar was attended by leaders and coordinators of units involved innovation activities in HEIs, university professors working with creative students in the IT-area, representatives of IT-companies as: Infostroy, GlobalLogic, EpamSystems, DCT, Zfort Group, Miratech, NixSolutions, AntaraSoft, student from Kharkiv universities.
During the seminar participants acquainted with: 
•    Experience of IT-students in the field of innovation and enterprise;
•    New standard Software Engineering;
•    Universal structural model of organization an innovation and entrepreneurship of IT - students;
•    The model that consider a specific of the eastern region in IT filed;
•    Experience of the interaction of IT - companies and universities to establish joint projects towards to increasing the creativity of students. Were offered ideas for new joint projects.
Presented experience of cooperation “Sigma Ukraine” company with students of KNURE to create innovative products for an international company IKEA.

"Ukrainian competition of student innovation projects and ideas" to be held in Odessa in 2015 was announced.